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March 06, 2007



Interesting subject. One of my Chinese female friends dated this chubby guy who is a totally loser from the states. (an English teacher in Beijing.)

How do you translate "nerd" in Chinese?


Let's face it -- with all the foreign guys who come over here and lose control of all sphincters, it was only a matter of time until something like this came along. I just wish it were a bit better-written.

The Humanaught

Bitching, sex and China... is there a better combination of hot search terms?

I've yet to check it out - for reasons I can't put my finger on, a bunch of chicks whining is just not high on my "to read" list.

BTW: Kaiser... love the blog.

Kaiser Kuo

Hey thanks Humanaught. Very kind of you. Of said bunch of chicks, I find they whine with admirable insight. Each to his own, though. Congrats on your wedding!


My foreign girlfriend tells me that everything in that blog is true. Then she kind of looked at me in a weird way that was quite unsettling.


Dear Kaiser,

Um, the transformation into Adonis hasn't happened to me yet -what's wrong?! Should I be giving up the combover and instead spikey-gelling my hair? Please... I need to know.

Un-adonised in Beijing

Kaiser Kuo

Dear Boyce,

You think it's in the hair? No, no, dear Boyce. Adonisization happens irrespective of the 'do you sport. Try this: Enter the bar wearing that distinctive Caucasian musk--a bar where women of the kang yang qiang sort are reputed to congregate. No one knows bars better than you: remember that. Feign a cell phone conversation. Speak loudly into your very thin handset, using phrases like, "20,000 a square meter?" and "my Armani or my Hugo Boss?" Stuff your wallet full of neatly folded paper towels, and your crotch with crumpled ones. They'll never even notice your combover.


Dear Kaiser,

I think an Asian man's musk is trapped in my Caucasian man's body, er, you know what I mean. Anyway, I'll try your advice: Hugo and Armani, thin phone and high rent, and a fist full of paper towels in the Fruit of the Looms...

If it doesn't work, I'm bringing out the big gun: old Spice.

Tks, BB

Shaan Khan

Damn... so if I was a loser who couldn't get any action in my home country, what does it mean if I can't get any action here? There go what shreds are left of my shattered self-esteem...

nice blog, btw.


David D

I like reading China Dirt and just found this blog post after a google search because their site is down at the moment...

I'm a Western guy in Beijing and so have about a million wonderful girls to chose from. The number of decent men for Western women to choose from is about a hundredth of that - it's all just a numbers game.

I do feel a bit sorry for them for that and also due to the irony that they write to vent spleen on the loser men they attract only to get long pointless comments from... total losers.

The PK

What a racist piece of shit blog. Jesus Christ!

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Thanks for this post! My foreign girlfriend tells me that everything in that blog is true. Then she kind of looked at me in a weird way that was quite unsettling.

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My foreign girlfriend tells me that everything in that blog is true. Then she kind of looked at me in a weird way that was quite unsettling.GooD luck


I searched for this theme! My foreign girlfriend tells me that everything in that blog is true. Then she kind of looked at me in a weird way that was quite unsettling.

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I searched for this theme! Hey thanks Humanaught. Very kind of you. Of said bunch of chicks, I find they whine with admirable insight. Each to his own, though. Congrats on your wedding!

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please post more about this darmatic situation in China.

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Well, everything in here turns out so true. Great!

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