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March 01, 2007



I'll have to get a copy of Suffocated's disc off you the next time I see you -- none of the CD stores in my area carry much other than the standard syrupy Gang/Tai fare. Any other musical recommendations? I heard that Re-TROS put out a demo a while back, but haven't seen it anywhere.


And they're on tour right now, coming to Shanghai on March 10th. Now I've *gotta* see them.


And Re-TROS is on tour in the US... crazy!



Kaiser, your second YouTube link is broken.

Hey, you wouldn't happen to know anything about 木马 would you? Whatever happened to those guys?


Thanks Dave, I've fixed it. Don't know what happened to Muma, though I confess I was never a big fan.

Micah, definitely don't miss Suffocated in Shanghai. Their live show's amazing.

Brendan, you'll have a copy tonight.

Leon Liu

Hello Kaiser

My name is Leon, I am from Beijing and came to the US around 97. Now I live in New York.
I grow up with bands like Tang Chao, Hei Bao and chao zai. And I have been followed Chinese rock and metal music for almost 14 years now. I just bought both the Suffocated and Spring and Autumn cds 3 month ago while I was visiting my families in Beijing. Loved both. just wanna say hi and I will try to catch a Spring and Autumn show next time I go back !!!

Keep on rock

Leon Liu

Leon Liu

Keep on rocking \m/

Wellington, from Brasil

Hi Friend's Metal!!!
I'm a Brazilian and stay in Shinzen for busness.
I'm seaching songs for chinese's band..and I'm Listen this band...I LOVE!!!!
well, if is possible, I'm need more songs...is very dificult to find sonthing...well, tell were i'm find mp3 for me take to Brazil and show my metal friend's

Thnkkkk!! and rock foreverrrr!!!

Julio 胡里奥 from Venezuela

Ni Hao, Kaiser. (Sorry for my english, I speak spanish) A friend of mine went to 中国 recently and I told her to bring me the Suffocated cd (She bought it at the 666 Rock Shop in Beijing). Now I got the cd. I really like this band, very powerful, and the recording quality is excellent. (It could be good if we could get the lyrics in pinyin to try to sing the songs and learn some chinese, which I'd like to do). About 4 years ago I went to 北京 for four days and bought some chinese rock/metal cds. One of them is from your band Tang Dynasty, "1999", (which I also like), I also bought the Overload cd. And of course, I watched Global Metal (great documentary). Well, my friend, now you know that some people in differents parts of the world are interested in China, including chinese metal, etc.

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This China's Thrash Metal Band is not what I expected about so well they aren't bad what I think is they have to work hard to reach what they want to show to the people, I know they're able to get it.m10m

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And they're on tour right now, coming to Shanghai on March 10th. Now I've *gotta* see them.

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I just bought both the Suffocated and Spring and Autumn cds 3 month ago while I was visiting my families in Beijing. Loved both. just wanna say hi and I will try to catch a Spring and Autumn show next time I go back !!!

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A good blog! Now I got the cd. I really like this band, very powerful, and the recording quality is excellent. (It could be good if we could get the lyrics in pinyin to try to sing the songs and learn some chinese, which I'd like to do). About 4 years ago I went to 北京 for four days and bought some chinese rock/metal cds

Katherine Heigl

Always was interested in this theme! I put in a little guest appearance to throw the horns with the boys and tell the media that these guys rule.


I have listened to this band in a couple of times and honestly they are so talented. I think they should look for sponsors and different ways to promote their music, because they could be the next Metallica, well I guess so.

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The interesting information, the tonic on a note! Here they are at the press conference they had yesterday at Melody in Beijing. I put in a little guest appearance to throw the horns with the boys and tell the media that these guys rule.

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This China's Thrash Metal Band is not what I expected about so well they aren't bad what I think is they have to work hard to reach what they want to show to the people, I know they're able to get it.m10m

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