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April 08, 2007


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Gary Wang is a really big hero to everyone i cant believe he appears into that.. well maybe you can uppload the video!!!!

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hey dude!!! you talk about the video but you didnt send us a link to see the video or didnt unpload the video... work!!!! just help us jajajaja isnt easy find it that video

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Some of Tang Dynasty's early music was very much influenced by his is an excellent language for song lyrics even though the tones are lost when sung.


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It's a real shame see how we lost this cultural legacy.

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I was showing their video sharing site--which was China's first and remains one of the handful of leaders that has a good shot of surviving the coming die-off--to some colleagues and on a whim did a search for my old band.

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It may be a while but there will be a day when one will be able to express themselves through music and video without the restrictions placed on the Chinese people.

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