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April 10, 2007



"yuan may have long since joined the dollar and euro..."

I'm no currency expert, but if this happened wouldn't the yuan have to revalue substantially? Whither the hundreds of millions of working poor in China?

I don't consider the rest too outlandish, but that last one sounds way too utopian to me. But that one's not really about China as far as I'm concerned.


I notice a trend among the "pro-China" foreign policy experts in DC, namely that the US has to change everything to deal with China. Where is China's flexibility in dealing with the US? Diplomacy is a two way street and just because China is accustomed to dictating diplomatic terms does not mean the US should lower itself.

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An Optimist's View of Declining Trade. Last week I discussed the relationship between falling GDP growth and the decline in international trade. Today, I will go beyond why trade is falling, and take a look at how it is doing so.http://auto-loan-provider.us/resources.shtml

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The talks given by him are really good one. If this all runs successfully then really China will Rock in 2025. A nice article posted.

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Where is China's flexibility in dealing with the US? Diplomacy is a two way street and just because China is accustomed to dictating diplomatic terms does not mean the US should lower itself.

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Haven't seen it completely. But i heard it's a good one.

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